HNS Policy
All contracted health care professionals are expected to promptly respond to any requests from patients, including but not limited to, copies of healthcare records, copies of insurance claims, or any reasonable request for assistance.
Healthcare Records:
Copies of health care and associated financial records for patients whose insurance plan contracts with HNS may be requested at any time by a patient, by HNS or an HNS contracted payor or the applicable state’s Department of Insurance (DOI).
Requests for copies of health care records should be clearly documented in the health care record and should include the date of the request and the name of the person or entity requesting the records, as well as the date the copies were sent.
When health care records are requested, providers must promptly respond to such requests.
Providers may not charge for copies of health care records for patients whose healthcare plans contract with HNS.
Requests from Contracted Payors or DOI
If requested, network providers are required to submit copies of health care records and must promptly comply with such requests. If a due date is provided in the request, records must be received by the stated due date. If a due date is not provided, records must be submitted to the payor within 10 days of receipt of request.
Requests from HNS
Network providers are required to submit copies of health care records if requested by HNS and providers must promptly comply with such requests. All requests from HNS for patient health care records will include a due date and records must be submitted to HNS by the due date stated. (Permission from the patient is not necessary to comply with these requests from HNS.)
Requests from Patients
Network providers are required to provide copies of health care records if requested by the patient and providers must promptly comply with such requests. Network providers must provide patient with copies of the health care record within 10 days of receipt of request from patient.
Providers should never release original records; always make copies of the health care records and release only the copies. When copies of records are requested by patients, have the patient sign and date an authorization to release records. This can be a very simple form with the following statement: I authorize you to furnish (name) or bearer, with a complete copy of my chiropractic health care record including records of office visits and care rendered, diagnostic test results and X-ray reports.
Always retain a copy of the patient’s authorization in the patient’s health care record.