Access to millions of covered lives and an array of services and solutions to help improve quality of care.

HNS works to make healthcare more accessible, more effective and more affordable.
We welcome your interest in our network. We offer access to millions of covered lives and an array of cost-saving services and solutions to help ensure the delivery of safe, effective, and cost-efficient health care.
As a member of the HNS network you'll benefit from increased steerage of new patients to your practice, promoting a stable patient base. Our cost-saving administrative services, efficient electronic solutions, and incentive programs to improve your bottom line are delivered by a support team of dedicated professionals who understand and will help you navigate the challenges of today's ever-changing healthcare environment.
For information about joining the HNS network, please click the link to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A member of the HNS credentialing team will send you the information necessary to initiate the credentialing process.
We look forward to receiving your application to become a participating healthcare professional in our network.
Learn more about the benefits of being part of the HNS family of healthcare professionals.